Saturday, January 07, 2006


Clearly this web log is dead... for now.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Baked Pineapple

This is one of my favorites from growing up, so last year I got the recipe from my mom. People always love it, and it's really easy to make. Don't let the name fool you; it's not like a baked apple, but more like a bready pudding. It's an excellent side for T-day, and of course, it always goes well with ham.


      1 can crushed pineapple w/ juice (No. 2 can, 20 oz.)

      5 slices of diced white bread

      3 eggs

      ¼ cup melted butter

      2 tablespoons of flour

      ½ cup of sugar

      dash of salt


Preheat oven to 350°.

Beat eggs. Add sugar, flour, salt, crushed pineapple with juice, and 3 slices of diced bread. Mix till bread is soft, then place in a greased (or buttered) casserole dish.

Mix remaining 2 slices of bread with melted butter and sprinkle on top of casserole. (I put extra sugar on top as well)

Bake at 350° for 30-45 minutes till lightly browned.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

NL Gamers

So I’m working on National Lampoon’s Gamers on the National Lampoon college cable network. If you live near a college, you might be able to watch it. Our resources are limited, so be kind.

You may remember a post I made awhile ago about the trouble with video game shows. Our answer to that problem is weird comedy.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Busy, not Lazy

Nothing is worse than a web log entry apologizing for the lack of entries.


I'm working as a Producer, and exceptionally busy. More on that later.

Monday, August 15, 2005

The View After 4 Years

I’ve got a very special post for you, my two or three loyal readers (Hi Mom!). More work went into this post than any other post in the long and illustrious history of this web log. Granted, all the work was done between 1999 and 2001, but it’s all going to be here.

Four years ago I “released” an album called The View from August 13th, 2001. In total, I probably distributed about 20 copies, and now I offer this album on my website for the modest price of $6. In truth, I probably couldn’t give this shit away... but today, for you, I will.

The album’s broken into three zip files (good for Macs and PC’s), each containing five songs. They’re high-quality 192kbps Mp3 files, so I hope you’ve got a high-speed connection.

I have my favorites, but almost everyone seemed to like “Emote” the best. “Claw Peels” is probably the most fascinating, assuming you’re familiar with the Santo & Johnny song “Sleepwalk” (clawpeels/sleepwalk... get it?).

I hate disclaimers, but I should warn you that I wasn’t the producing genius that I am now. Some of the songs may sound a bit abrasive, and may delve well into cacophony. You’ll also hear some samples used in multiple songs. Tough.

All right, let’s do this...

[Right click (or control click) and select the appropriate action to download the files.] (16.7 MB)
01 - Bed Sheets
02 - Day In, Day Out
03 - The Layout
04 - Grifter’s Move
05 - All I Know (feat. Henry Membreno) (16.1 MB)
06 - Plans pt. 1
07 - Drive an 85
08 - Just How Many
09 - Claw Peels
10 - Emote (23.9 MB)
11 - In Jack's Defense
12 - Dance for Hanky
13 - Motor Go Girls!
14 - Shangri La
15 - Christmas Tree Farm (feat. Jena Kim)

If you like the album, feel free to share with your friends, but I’d prefer not getting linked to on other websites. Thanks for checking it out, and I hope you enjoy it.